Tuesday, August 18, 2009


It is that time of year...the annual summer Dave Matthews Band tour. This is the second concert Will and I had gone to together....many more are sure to come. However, it's funny. When Will and I met almost three years ago (crazy!) a common interest we both had was DMB. We then discovered that we had both been to 3 of the same concerts before we even met....coincidence?

Anyway - we had a blast this last weekend. A great end to our non-stop summer. The concert was in West Palm Beach, a 4 hour drive south. We arrived around 1 on Saturday - just in time for a relaxing afternoon. It began with Will and I being "honeymooners". Yes, thats right, a second honeymoon. The lady at the front desk upgraded us to a massive suite....way more space than we needed for one night - but it was fun :) 2 bathrooms, always ok. We had lunch across the lake and then came back to the hotel and relaxed pool side. Following a short nap, a Braves homerun, and a shower - we were off! We pulled up around 6:00 to the fair grounds with a dark, scary sky following us. But with nothing stopping us, we got out of the trunk, popped a top, and listened to Dave....until the wind and rain came.
Rewind, last year Will did back to back concerts in West Palm Beach for his bachelor party (which also fell on his Birthday). Anyway - the concert they went to on Saturday poured rain - the entire time. And they were wet and cold.

Fast forward - the rain started and we got into the truck. And had fun! We made the best of it and decided if we needed to spend $15 on ponchos inside the concert, we would. Last year Will and his buddies opted to not spend that money...hence wet and cold. 1 hour later the sky wasn't AS dark and the rain let up mostly. We made a run for it into the conert. Oh wait, we had lawn seats - didn't matter. So into the concert we went....made a bathroom stop, bought tour tshirts, and headed to the lawn! We got great seats, sat next to fun people, had the time of our lives and it only rained once for no more than 5 minutes! A little better outcome than Saturday in West Palm last year. It was one of the better Dave concerts I'd been to....he played Warehouse! Until Saturday I'd never heard that live in 7 concerts. 3 hours later we got back into the truck and headed back to our hotel. Great night :)

Sunday we slept in, had a delicious breakfast, went back to bed, and hit the road by noon. It was nice to pick up Mikado and finally be home. I think our summer is winding down - praise God. We have so much to be greatful for this summer. I'd say it was a successful first full summer of married life. Now for the hurricanes brewing in the Atlantic...


lis August 18, 2009 at 5:44 PM  

love it! someday i'll join you for one of those concerts...uncle went to one with jason mraz opening and i'm SO JEALOUS! love you guys :)

get will to post sometime!

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We are living in Florida and loving life, loving Christ, and loving each other. Each day brings a new adventure upon us and we love it. Oh, and we love Mikado - our only child.


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