Friday, March 27, 2009


Ooooo we love when Friday's get here...but honestly, who doesn't? We have another weekend full of fun things to do. It feels like it never stops, its always something. Since late January it has been nonstop for us...except for last weekend...we had a break. And did absolutely nothing. NOTHING. It was phenomenal. Ok, on to this weekend....tonight is another big basketball game - go green! We always get excited to watch our Spartans play. Then tomorrow morning its off to our friends place to take the sea-doos out across the river and to lunch (the high is 89*, I'm excited), and then tomorrow night some church friends are coming over and we're doing "Rockband & Ritas". It'll be fun. Pictures will come soon and I'm quite sure they'll be entertaining. So happy weekend!!!! I hope you enjoy yours as much as we're hoping to enjoy ours :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lucky girl

I have a good husband...I got these beautiful flowers sent to me at work yesterday :) Lillies and roses, my favorite. All because he loves me.

Oh, and after a comical, full of laughter, conversation with our church friends last night...the blog name will soon be changing...and will be incorporating our last name...of course. So stay tuned! I'll let Will make that change...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Here we go!

This is it! Day one of blogging....and I'm rather excited about it. I think its because I throughly enjoy reading other blogs, I kind of consider it stalking sometimes because it is part of my daily routine. In fact, some of the blogs I read - I don't even know the people! However, I do enjoy feeling like I'm a part of their life. "What is new in their life?!?" is what runs through my mind as I race to check all the blogs day after day. So here we are...Will and Kathryn starting a blog of our own.

When I asked Will what the title of our blog should be of course all he could think of was ridiculous titles involving the word Gay, our last name. Romantic huh? I realize its funny and would make a great title but I didn't want that random person reading my blog (because I'm that random person reading their blog...) thinking we were a literally gay couple. OK - so then when Will got serious he came up with "Life After Mikado...." because ever since we got the has been rather different. He is always adding spice to our life, not always good spice, but spice. And now ya'll are probably wondering why we even got a dog, right? Well...a gloomy day last October we decided to take a trip to the Humane Society - it was their "Dogtober" month! Long story short....we look online at the humane societie's website and find "Teddy", the most adorable dog ever. We get there only to learn he is in isolation...however, being the people we are, we still want to see him. So they bring him out and 10 minutes later we're in love - with a dog - who was in puppy isolation. There are a lot more details to go along with this story and I'll save those for another day...but in the end...we ended up with Mikado - our harry dog. And here we are, now blogging, to keep you all posted and up to date on our life in the beautiful sunshine state.

We love you all!

Kathryn (& Will)

About Us

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We are living in Florida and loving life, loving Christ, and loving each other. Each day brings a new adventure upon us and we love it. Oh, and we love Mikado - our only child.


Content + Credit

Sharing makes the blog world go 'round, but credit is essential. Content from our blog may be reproduced, however proper credit and an active link must accompany any reproduced materials.

©2009, Will + Kathryn Gay. All Rights Reserved.